. Current projects... .

no pig Pretzel Dash - A Diary no pig

Nov/07/99: At the moment Plex and Imagician are working on a small game which's working title is "PretzelDash". As you may guess from its name it's an adaption of a quite old game similarly entitled. Though the main task is to collect pretzels, there will be many other things you'll have to do (e.g. trapping enemies or directing them somewhere) to comlete a level. We hope to release it before Xmas '99...

VERY FIRST PretzelDash screenshot...

Nov/14/99: PretzelDash has 1029 lines of sourcecode now. We also have implemented helium-filled balloons and the explosions are working quite fine now.

Nov/29/99: Imagician has implemented SFX routines for Soundblaster. The complete source code amounts to more than 2500 lines now.

Nov/30/99: After some seeming minor changes a totally strange "Division by 0"-bug occurs continually and keeps us from sleeping. Really hard research leads to no result yet. Imagician actually feels a bit desperated about the problem seeing the project in jeopardy...

Dec/02/99: Luckily the bug is found and removed now...

Dec/11/99: Some "finetuning" and painting the font have occupied various hours the last days. Though the original deadline (Xmas) will very likely not be kept up with, there will possibly be a pre-release around Xmas, containing a few levels and restricted functionality (due to being unfinished of course... :)...

Dec/12/99: Current PretzelDash screenshots...

Dec/18/99: Some more Gfx has been added, including sprites for one more enemy and some more characters for the fontset.

. Links... .

You say you have seen every chat and they are all the same? I say you ain't seen nothin' yet if you ain't seen Knuddles! A *must* for everyone who likes to cuddle and kiss...
Knuddels was created by one of Plex' friends studying in KA.

More to come soon: A tutorial on how to make stereographic photographs by Imagician...

last updated Dec/18/99